  • Directed by

    Philippe Guyenne & Stéphane Juffé
  • Genre

    adventure, action
  • Format

    animated TV series, S1 26x26' | S2 26x26'
  • Year

  • Based on the comics by

    Stan Lee, Don Heck, Larry Lieber & Jack Kirby
  • Produced by

    Marvel, Method Animation, France 2, Lux Animation, DQ Entertainment
  • Brodcasters

    Nicktoons, Disney XD, France 2/France 4, Teletoon


co-directed with Stéphane Juffé. IMAA was our first foray into animation TV series, coming from video games and motion graphics.
As commissioned by the broadcasters, the premise of the series was a reimagining of Tony Stark as a teenager. Being a Marvel comics fan myself, I knew this would be a hard-sell for the fanbase... no "Demon in a bottle" in this series, instead we get high school sitcom and teen angst. Nethertheless we were thrilled at the unique opportunity to re-invent classic designs, with special emphasis on the villains and to stage cool dogfights & action scenes (at that time, the first Iron Man movie hadn't been released yet, so our main reference was the Invicible Iron Man comics from the late 70s-80s).

Here's the first in-house teaser that we made for the show :

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